Thursday, November 29, 2007



...because it's raining the whole day long :(
That's why those nice wellington boots would come in handy. I think, it's decadent to have wellingtons made by Burberry...but I like that:) But, seriously, I really need some cute wellingtons because Aachen is a rainy city!

...weil es den ganzen Tag nur regnet :(
Deshalb kommen diese hübschen Gummistiefel gerade wie gerufen. Mit Gummistiefeln von Burberry durch tiefe Pfützen zu springen finde ich etwas dekadent...aber ich mag den Gedanken:) Ich denke allmählich ernsthaft darüber nach, mir nette Gummistiefel zuzulegen, da Aachen so ein Regenloch ist!


Anonymous said...

Ja, das stimmt... leider! Since old London is also a rainy city but becoming wet in London is much better ;-)

Sonja said...


mahret said...

HUNTER kann ich nur empfehlen. Neben mir steht z.B. auch Kate Moss auf diese...

Sonja said...

Mahret, danke für den Tipp!

Mónica said...

I like these boots, I live also in a rainy city, but nowadays it seems climate change has already arrived here, because it's rained one day sin the first of October, can you believe it?

Sonja said...

atelier, wow you're lucky!It rained for the last few days here but today - surprise - the sun is shining and the sky is blue:)