Friday, December 21, 2007



Everyone who is in London at the moment or who will be there during the turn of the year should go to see "The World as a Stage" displayed at Tate Modern (which is worth a visit anyway) until Jan 1st.
"This is the first exhibition at Tate Modern to bring the realm of performance into dialogue with gallery-based work. The World as a Stage includes numerous large installations, sculptures, performances, participatory works and events and several new pieces made specifically for the exhibition" (source:

Jeder der im Moment in London ist, oder zum Jahreswechsel dorthin fliegt sollte sich die Ausstellung "The World as a Stage", die noch bis zum 1. Januar in der Tate Modern (die sowieso immer einen Besuch wert ist) gezeigt wird, anschauen. "This is the first exhibition at Tate Modern to bring the realm of performance into dialogue with gallery-based work. The World as a Stage includes numerous large installations, sculptures, performances, participatory works and events and several new pieces made specifically for the exhibition" (source:

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